In the middle Meaning In Bengali

In the middle Meaning in Bengali. In the middle শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ কি? English to Bangla online dictionary. Google Translate "In the middle".

Meaning In Bengali

In the middle :- মধ্যে;

Parts of Speech

In the middle :- Preposition

Each Word Details

Synonyms For In the middle

  • between two fires :- দুদিককার গুলিবর্ষণের মাঝে;
  • cornered :-(adjective) মুশকিলে পতিত; কোণঠাসা; কোণযুক্ত;
  • Hobson :- হবসন
  • between a rock and a hard place :-
  • sitting on a powder keg :-
  • between Scylla and Charybdis :-
  • between the hammer and the anvil :-
  • in a dilemma :-
  • in a pickle :-
  • in a predicament :-